Payment Links

Create, update, delete, cancel, fetch and send Payment Links using Curlec APIs.

are URLs that you can send to your customers through SMS and email to collect payments from them. Customers can click on the URL, which opens the payment request page, and complete the payment using any of the available payment methods.

You can make payments using FPX, cards and wallets payment methods using Standard Payment Links.

API EndpointDescription
Creates a Standard Payment Link.
Creates a UPI Payment Link.
Retrieves data of all Standard Payment Links.
Retrieves data of all UPI Payment Links.
Retrieves data of a Standard Payment Link by Id.
Retrieves data of a UPI Payment Link by Id.
Sends notifications to your customers.
Updates the details of Standard Payment Links.
Updates the details of UPI Payment Links.
Cancels a Standard Payment Link.
Cancels a UPI Payment Link.

The Payment Link entity has the following fields:


boolean Indicates whether customers can make

using the Payment Link. Possible values:
  • true: Customer can make partial payments.
  • false: (default): Customer cannot make partial payments.


integer Amount to be paid using the Payment Link. Must be in the smallest unit of the currency. For example, if you want to receive a payment of RM 300.00, you must enter the value 30000.


integer Amount paid by the customer.


string If specified, adds a redirect URL to the Payment Link. Once the customer completes the payment, they are redirected to the specified URL.


string If callback_url parameter is passed, callback_method must be passed with the value get.


integer Timestamp, in Unix, at which the Payment Link was cancelled by you.


integer Timestamp, in Unix, indicating when the Payment Link was created.


string Defaults to MYR.


string Customer details.


string The customer's name.


string The customer's email address.


string The customer's phone number.


string A brief description of the Payment Link.


integer Timestamp, in Unix, when the Payment Link will expire. By default, a Payment Link will be valid for six months from the date of creation. Please note that the expire by date cannot exceed more than six months from the date of creation.


integer Timestamp, in Unix, at which the Payment Link expired.


integer Minimum amount that must be paid by the customer as the first partial payment. For example, if an amount of RM 700.00 is to be received from the customer in two installments of #1 - RM 500.00, #2 - RM 200.00, then you can set this value as 500000.


string Unique identifier of the Payment Link. For example, plink_ERgihyaAAC0VNW.


object Set of key-value pairs that you can use to store additional information. You (Businesses) can enter a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, with each value having a maximum limit of 256 characters.


array Defines who handles Payment Link notification.


boolean Defines who handles the SMS notification.

  • true: Curlec handles the notification.
  • false: Businesses handle the notification.


boolean Defines who handles the email notification.

  • true: Curlec handles the notification.
  • false: Businesses handle the notification.


array Payment details such as amount, payment id, payment link id and more. This array is populated only after a payment is made by the customer or if the payment fails. Until then, the value is null.


integer The amount paid by the customer using the Payment Link.


integer Timestamp, in Unix, indicating when the payment was made.


string The payment method used to make the payment. Possible values:

  • fpx
  • card
  • wallet


string Unique identifier of the payment made against the Payment Link.


string Unique identifier of the Payment Link. For example, plink_ERgihyaAAC0VNW.


string The payment state. Possible values:

  • captured


integer Timestamp, in Unix, indicating when the payment was updated.


string Reference number tagged to a Payment Link. Must be a unique number for each Payment Link. The maximum character limit supported is 40.


string The unique short URL generated for the Payment Link.


string Displays the current state of the Payment Link. Possible values:

  • created
  • partially_paid
  • expired
  • cancelled
  • paid


integer Timestamp, in Unix, indicating when the Payment Link was updated.


boolean Used to send

for the Payment Link. Possible values:
  • true: To send reminders.
  • false: To disable reminders.


string A unique identifier for the user role through which the Payment Link was created. For example, HD1JAKCCPGDfRx.

"accept_partial": true,
"amount": 1000,
"amount_paid": 0,
"callback_method": "get",
"callback_url": "",
"cancelled_at": 1591097270,
"created_at": 1591097057,
"currency": "MYR",
"customer": {
"contact": "+919000090000",
"email": "",
"name": "Gaurav Kumar"
"description": "Payment for policy no #23456",
"expire_by": 1691097057,
"expired_at": 0,
"first_min_partial_amount": 100,
"id": "plink_ExjpAUN3gVHrPJ",
"notes": {
"policy_name": "Jeevan Bima"
"notify": {
"email": true,
"sms": true
"payments": [],
"reference_id": "TS1989",
"reminder_enable": true,
"reminders": {
"status": "failed"
"short_url": "",
"status": "cancelled",
"updated_at": 1591097270,
"user_id": ""

You can create, fetch, edit or cancel Payment Links using APIs or from the


Upon successful payment, customers can be directed to a designated URL through the callback_url and callback_method parameters.

For example, you can redirect customers to


Payment ID of the successful payment.


Payment Link ID generated at the time of link creation.


Internal order ID set by you for business reference using the reference_id parameter at the time of link creation. No value is returned if reference_id parameter was not used.


Current status of the link.


Signature for server-side validation to be calculated as HMAC hex digest using SHA256 algorithm. This is described below with a sample code.

The query parameters are added to the URL as shown:

You can verify the razorpay_signature parameter to validate that it is authentic and sent from Curlec servers.

  • The razorpay_payment_link_id​ attribute should be stored in your system against an order, right after it is returned in the create response. This is displayed as just id (for example, "id": "plink_FKeEiabyAAiSVQ") in the response.
  • The razorpay_signature should be validated by your server. In order to verify the signature, you need to create a signature using
    • razorpay_payment_link_id
    • razorpay_payment_link_reference_id
    • razorpay_payment_link_status
    • razorpay_payment_id​ as payload and your key_secret​ (your API secret) as secret.

After validating the signature, you should fetch the order in your system corresponding to the razorpay_payment_link_id​ and mark this order as successful.

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