Integrate Offers with Standard Checkout
Display general or order-specific Offers on Standard Checkout.
After creating
from the Dashboard, you have to integrate them on Razorpay Standard Checkout so that your customers can avail them while making payments.Integrate Offers with Orders API
If you use our JS, SDK files or other Ecommerce plugins, you should integrate offers with the Orders API.
You need not integrate offers with Orders API if you use any of the following Razorpay products or plugins to accept payments:
- Plugins: Razorpay Magento, Shopify, or WooCommerce.
- Products: Payment Links, Payment Buttons, Payment Pages and Invoices.
This is because Razorpay automatically creates orders for these products or plugins when customers initiate payment at the Checkout.
Handy Tips
As per the RBI guidelines, the original card number is replaced with a surrogate value called a token. However, we will continue to support BIN-based offers post tokenisation. Note that BIN-based offers will not work on saved American Express (AMEX) cards.
Only those offers that pass the following validations are be displayed at the Checkout:
There are two ways in which you can display offers at Razorpay Checkout:
This is the easiest way to display offers at the Checkout. While creating the offer from the Dashboard, enable the Show Offer on Checkout option. The offer automatically appears at the Checkout.

To display a specific offer at the Checkout, you should associate the offer with an order. You can pass the offers
array as a request attribute in the Create Orders API.
Some use cases:
- If you have multiple product lines running on the same account and certain business logic on your side for displaying offers.
- The discount has already been applied, and you would like to restrict the payment method to avail the offer.
Watch Out!
To display an Offer for a particular customer:
- Do not select the Show Offer on the Checkout check box while creating an Offer.
- Specify the offer_id; for example,
in theoffers
array while creating an order.
To display offers:
- .
- .
- .
You can
from the .
Let us say you have created an offer offer_ANZoaxsOww2X53
, such that a discount of ₹200 is applicable on all transactions done through AXIS netbanking only.
Create an order and pass the offer in the offers
array as a request parameter in the
Handy Tips
To display specific offers at checkout, pass them in the offers
array (see the sample code below). If you don't include anything in the offers
array, the default offers will automatically appear at checkout.
curl -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET] \-X POST \-H "Content-Type: application/json" \-d '{"amount": 1000000,"currency": "INR","offers": ["offer_ANZoaxsOww2X53"]}'
Enter the amount for which the order is to be created in currency subunits. For example, for an amount of ₹10000, enter 1000000
ISO code of the currency associated with the order amount. Here, it is INR
Unique identifier of the offer. Pass the offer_id obtained from the response of the previous step.
The order_id
obtained in the previous step can be passed to the Checkout form as follows:
<button id="rzp-button1">Pay</button><script src=""></script><script>var options = {"key": "[YOUR_KEY_ID]","amount": "1000000","currency": "INR","order_id":"order_FIL1vBOsWFllnO","name": "Acme Corp","description": "Test Transaction","image": "","handler": function (response){alert(response.razorpay_payment_id);alert(response.razorpay_order_id);alert(response.razorpay_signature)},"prefill": {"name": "Gaurav Kumar","email": "","contact": "9999988999"},"notes": {"address": "Razorpay Corporate Office"},"theme": {"color": "#3399cc"}};var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){;e.preventDefault();}</script>
Know more about
.After the customer has availed the offers and made the payment at the Checkout, you can track the status of the payments:
- From the Dashboard.
- By .
- By polling our .
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