Curlec Payments

Check out Curlec Payment Gateway and the entire suite of products available as part of Curlec Payments.

Do Not Have a Website or Mobile App?

You can accept payments even if you do not have a website or a mobile app using any of these Curlec products:

Curlec Payments provides a range of products to accept payments and make payouts. It also offers solutions to assess risks associated with a customer order.

The following table lists all the Payments products and offerings:

Product and Use
: Integrate our Payment Gateway with your website or app to accept payments from customers.
: Easiest way to accept payments with a custom-branded online store. Accept payments with automated payment receipts. Take your store online instantly with zero coding.
: Share payment link via an email, SMS, messenger or chatbot and get paid immediately.
: Create and send invoices that your customers can pay online instantly. Get paid faster and improve your cash flow.
: Take your store online instantly with zero coding. Accept one-time and recurring payments with automated payment receipts.
: Offer your customers subscription plans with automated recurring transactions on various payment modes.

Ready for Integration?

  • Integrate your website or e-commerce store with the Curlec Payment Gateway using any of the .
  • Add a single line of code to your website or blog to get a and start accepting payments.

to start using the Curlec Payments solutions.

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