1. Build Integration

Steps to integrate your Easy Digital Downloads website with Curlec Payment Gateway.

Follow the given below to integrate Curlec Payment Gateway with your Easy Digital Downloads website.

  1. Download and install the latest version of Easy Digital Downloads extension from the


  2. Download the latest

    from the Releases section in GitHub.

  3. Unzip and upload the extension contents to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  4. Activate the extension via the WordPress Plugins menu.

    Handy Tips

    If you have downloaded the extension from GitHub or elsewhere, ensure that the directory is named edd-razorpay.

  5. Log in to your

    and activate the extension in the WordPress Plugin Manager.

  6. Log in to your


  7. Navigate to the Settings page and click the Checkout/Payment Gateways tab.

  8. Click Razorpay to edit the settings.

  9. Enable the Payment Method and name it Credit Card / Debit Card (this will show up on the payment page your customer sees).

  10. Enter your [KEY_ID] and [KEY_SECRET]. Generate the

    from the Dashboard.

  11. Click Save to save the changes.

You can track the payment status in three ways:

Handy Tips

  • On the Dashboard, ensure that the payment status is captured. Refer to the payment capture settings page to know how to .
  • Subscribe to our webhooks or poll the Fetch a Payment API to track the payment status.

To verify the payment status from the Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the and navigate to TransactionsPayments.
  2. Check if a Payment Id has been generated and note the status. In case of a successful payment, the status is marked as Captured.
Check if the payment id is generated and the status is captured

You can use Curlec webhooks to configure and receive notifications when a specific event occurs. When one of these events is triggered, we send an HTTP POST payload in JSON to the webhook's configured URL. Know how to

If you have subscribed to the order.paid webhook event, you will receive a notification every time a customer pays you for an order.

to check the payment status.

Step 2:

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