Troubleshooting and FAQs

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When a framework is distributed, it contains architectures of the simulators so that the consumer of the framework can build it on a simulator. However, when uploading the archive on iTunes, you have to strip these architectures. If you use Cocoapods, it strips the simulator architectures on its own.

Since you are not using it, please follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Download the .
  2. Locate the directory in which Razorpay.framework is present in the archive that you are trying to upload.
  3. Move the attached script in the above directory and run it.
  4. Remove the script file.

No. You see the update SDK alert because a newer version of our SDK is available. We recommend you to use the latest SDK. This message shows up only when running the app on a simulator or using a test key to initialize the SDK.

  • Ensure that Razorpay.framework is present in your project settings in both the Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks.
  • Set Always Embed Swift Libraries to "yes" in the project settings. It can happen because of the incompatibility between the developed Swift version with Razorpay.framework and the Swift version of your project.
  • We recommend using the framework compiled with the required Swift language from our iOS documentation.

Razorpay's bitcode enabled framework works even if you do not enable bitcode in your project.

There are multiple Swift versions available, but unfortunately, Apple does not make all the versions compatible, so we release frameworks compiled in multiple Swift versions.

  • Download the framework that is compatible with your project.
  • If you run into a compatibility issue, ensure that you try both frameworks.

A module map is used to define the header files that should be converted into modules and used by your project. Curlec handles this internally.

Cause: By default, the Xcode's name is assumed to be For example, your default Xcode appears as Xcode9.3.

Resolution: Insert

script in the directory that contains Razorpay.framework file and run it from your terminal.

Cause: As per Apple's policy, if you use a subscription model in your iOS app, you must use Apple's in-app purchase APIs. Apple does not redirect out of the app for digital product purchases.

Resolution: Use Apple's in-app purchase APIs.

After installing the razorpay-customui-pod cocoapod in the project, once the application is archived, privacy report can be generated from the context menu for the created archive. The data used by the Razorpay SDK will be listed under Razorpay.framework along with the reasons for the usage of the data. For more information, you can refer to


For more information about PrivacyManifests and Required Reason API please refer to


After the installation of the razorpay-customui-pod cocoapod, inside the pods folder, expand the folder Development Pods/razorpay-customui-pod/Frameworks. Inside this folder, you will find the Razorpay.xcframework file. On selecting this file, XCode's File inspector shows you the XCFramework’s code signing status. If the framework is signed with an Apple Developer certificate, the inspector also shows which Apple Developer team signed the framework.

You can find more about verification of the signature


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