About Cash Advance
Check how to withdraw from Razorpay Cash Advance Loan and the repayment steps.
What's New
Cash Advance is now available on the
!Razorpay Cash Advance Loan is a self-serve loan portal offering low-interest, very short-term loans with a tenure between a few days and a few weeks.
Upon withdrawal, you can choose your repayment schedule. We deduct from your
to repay the loan instalments automatically. You can also make repayments manually.Following is a glossary of terms you frequently come across when using Cash Advance.
Explore the following:
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To apply for a Cash Advance:
- Visit the page. You can also apply from the /.
- Follow these steps to apply for a . The process is the same.
Once the credit limit is approved, you can withdraw the amount from the
.Handy Tips
If you are an existing Razorpay user, follow the on-screen instructions to switch to the new Dashboard.
To make a Cash Advance withdrawal:
- Log in to the .
- Navigate to Cash Advance from the left menu.
- Click Withdraw Funds on the Cash Advance home page.
- Enter the amount you want to withdraw from your available withdrawable balance. Click Proceed.
- Select the tenure in days. You can view the instalment amount in the modal under your selection. Click Proceed.
- Review the withdrawal details, such as the repayment schedule, interest rate and repayment method, total amount credited after the processing fee deduction, and more.
- Click Confirm & withdraw to proceed with the withdrawal.
You have successfully made a withdrawal from your available Cash Advance limit.
Watch Out!
Withdrawing from your Available Withdrawable limit is not permitted if you have overdue repayments. Repay your dues to withdraw again.
There are two ways to make repayments:
- Daily Deductions (Automated and recommended)
- Manual Repayments
By default, your repayments are automated via daily deductions. We debit your settlement balance on the due date to repay the Cash Advance loan's instalment.
This happens on a daily basis and we recommend this for businesses using other
.Watch Out!
We only deduct from your Razorpay
and not your linked bank account.Assume you withdrew ₹10,000 on July 02 and selected July 12 as the repayment date. The interest on this loan for 10 days is ₹20. The calculation then is as follows:
Principle + total Interest for 10 days
=₹10,000 + ₹20
=10 Days
- Daily Instalment:
(Principle + Interest)/Tenure
= ₹1,002/day
₹1,002 is collected daily from your settlement balance from July 03 till July 12.
You can also repay the loan instalments manually in two ways:
- From the Overview page.
- From the Withdrawal pane.
To make repayments:
Log in to the
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You can do either of the following:
- Click Repay Dues.
- Select the instalment to pay off in the Repayment pop-up modal.
- Click Confirm Amount.
- Select between your Razorpay for us to deduct your instalment amount or pay using UPI/Debit Card/Netbanking.
- Follow the on-screen checkout instructions to complete the payment.
This is helpful when you prefer to pay off multiple instalments at once.
You have successfully repaid a Cash Advance loan instalment.
You can pre-close a Cash Advance withdrawal on the RazorpayX Dashboard.
- Log in to the .
- Navigate to Cash Advance in the left menu → specific withdrawal to pre-close.
- In the right pane, click Pre-close Withdrawal.
- Review the preclosure details in the Pre-close Withdrawal pop-up modal and click Pre-close Withdrawal.
- Pay the remaining amount due using settlement balance or UPI/Debit Card/Netbanking.
You have successfully pre-closed the withdrawal.
Razorpay Cash Advance is a self-serve, short-term loan portal that gives you an unsecured line of credit.
You can withdraw an amount of your choice from this credit limit as per your needs, which is then converted to a short-term loan.
To apply for a Cash Advance:
- Log in to the .
- Navigate to Cash Advance in the left menu.
- Fill in a few details and submit your application.
You can make as many withdrawals as you wish, provided:
- You have sufficient balance.
- You withdraw less than your Available Withdrawable Amount.
There are two types of repayments.
- Daily deductions from your settlement amount.
- Manual repayments made by you. This is in addition to the daily deductions from your settlement amount. Refer to the section for more details.
Yes. There is a limit to how much you can withdraw in a single withdrawal. This is defined by the Available Withdrawable Amount parameter. Refer to the
section for more details.Yes. There is a limit to how much you can withdraw in a single withdrawal. This is defined by the Available Withdrawable Amount parameter. Refer to the
section for more details.Was this page helpful?