Payout Status Details

Notify your beneficiaries of their payout details and know how to troubleshoot a payout using payout status details via APIs.

Payout Status details are returned when a payout is created and moves to another state.

Watch Out!

The failure_reason, queueing_details and cancellation_details fields along with the error object would be deprecated from the API response. Please move to Payout status details to understand the status of your payout.

Status details are sent as part of the fetch payout API response and webhook payloads. You can also check the status details on the

. It provides additional details about each payout status including intermediate status like pending, processing, queued and terminal states like reversed and failed. The details will include payout clearance SLA and why payout is in processing state. A payout update webhook is fired every time an attribute in status details changes.

You can check status details of a payout to know why it is in the processing state. It maybe due to:

  • NEFT/RTGS off hours
  • Partner bank or beneficiary bank issues
  • Other bank or server issues

You can use this information to keep your beneficiaries informed.

Handy Tips

  • The status details object in the payouts' API response gives details about the exact reason for a payout state and the next steps to be taken. Please share this information with your developers.
  • You can subscribe to daily reports to receive a detailed document on the status, reason for status and SLA for the payouts in processing state. from your Razorpay Dashboard, with a list of recipient email IDs. We will enable the function for you in 3 working days.

Below is the sample status details response that appears as part of the status details object.


string A description for the error. For example, IMPS is not enabled on beneficiary account, Retry with different mode.


string Possible values:

  • gateway: Technical error at Razorpay partner bank.
  • beneficiary_bank: Technical error at beneficiary bank.
  • business: Merchant action required.
  • internal: Technical error at Razorpay's server.


string The error reason. For example, imps_not_allowed.

All the reasons for any payout state appear at the

of the code. The below table lists out the explanations for the sources.

to view exhaustive list of status details, their corresponding payout statuses and also possible steps you can take to proceed further.

This is the latest version of the list and was last updated on November 4, 2023.

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