Become an Aggregator
Submit a request to become a Razorpay Aggregator to manage your sub-merchants' transactions.
All Partners are onboarded as Service Partners by default. You can request a switch if you have a use case for the Aggregator Partner type. Know how to become a
.To request a Partner type switch:
- Log in to the Dashboard.
- Navigate to Partner → Home.
- Click Explore Now.
- On the Tell us more about the services you provide page, select the relevant business type and click Next.
- If your business type is best suited for the Service Partner type, you will see the below screen.
- If a different Partner type is more suitable for your business, you will see the below screen.
- Select Yes if you have a product to manage payments for your sub-merchants and click Next.
- Enter your phone number, website URL, and business details, and click Next.
You have successfully submitted a request for a Partner type switch. Our team will reach out to you with further instructions.
Watch Out!
Filling out the form does not guarantee a Partner type switch. Our team will evaluate your use case and contact you for more information. This process can take around 2 to 3 weeks.
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