Become an Aggregator

Submit a request to become a Razorpay Aggregator to manage your sub-merchants' transactions.

All Partners are onboarded as Service Partners by default. You can request a switch if you have a use case for the Aggregator Partner type. Know how to become a


To request a Partner type switch:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to PartnerHome.
  3. Click Explore Now.
    Initiate Partner type switch
  4. On the Tell us more about the services you provide page, select the relevant business type and click Next.
    Partner type switch - What services do you offer?
  5. If your business type is best suited for the Service Partner type, you will see the below screen.
    Partner type switch denied
  6. If a different Partner type is more suitable for your business, you will see the below screen.
    Partner type switch - evaluate business use case
  7. Select Yes if you have a product to manage payments for your sub-merchants and click Next.
  8. Enter your phone number, website URL, and business details, and click Next.
    Partner type switch - fill in details

You have successfully submitted a request for a Partner type switch. Our team will reach out to you with further instructions.

Watch Out!

Filling out the form does not guarantee a Partner type switch. Our team will evaluate your use case and contact you for more information. This process can take around 2 to 3 weeks.

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