
List of commonly used terms related to Razorpay Magic Checkout.

The following table lists all the commonly used terms and their definitions used in Magic Checkout:

Magic CheckoutA seamless and secure payment experience that enables prepaid and COD transactions on your platform. It reduces cash on delivery (COD) RTOs by analysing customer shopping history and address quality.
RTOReturn to Origin refers to returning an order to its place of origin for reasons such as non-delivery or customer rejection.
COD IntelligenceA feature that analyses COD orders to reduce fraud and improve the efficiency of COD transactions.
Logistics PartnersOrganisations that provide shipping and delivery services for e-commerce businesses to streamline the order fulfilment process.
Coupon CodeA code that customers can use during checkout to apply a discount or special offer to their purchase.
BlocklistA list of users prohibited from availing COD as they return products on delivery, resulting in damaged products during transit, high returns, and refund issues.
AllowlistA list of users explicitly permitted to avail COD, often loyal to your brand and contributing to increasing revenue.
PrepaidThis refers to a payment method where the customer pays for goods or services before receiving them, as opposed to COD, where payment is made upon delivery.
Convert COD to PrepaidThe process of changing a COD order to a prepaid order is often done to reduce the risk associated with COD transactions.
Risky UsersThe users flagged as potentially fraudulent or high-risk based on factors such as past behaviour or transaction patterns.
Billing AddressThe address associated with a payment method used for verification and billing purposes during checkout.
Inactive CouponA coupon code that is no longer valid or usable, often because it has reached its usage limit or has been manually deactivated.

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