Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Razorpay Payment Offers.

1. How can I edit an Offer?

You cannot edit an offer once you create it. To make changes,

the previous offer and a new one.

2. Who manages Offer usage limitations?

You are expected to pass the appropriate Offer IDs at the time of creating an order to manage usage limitations.

3. Can we create Offers on Customer Fee Bearer (CFB) model?

No, we do not support offers on CFB model.

4. How can I disable an Offer?

To disable an offer:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Offers to view a summary of the existing offers.
  3. Select the required Offer_id.
  4. In the pane that appears, go to the Status field and click Disable.
  5. Click Yes, Disable.

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edit an offer
customer fee bearer
disable an offer