Create Custom Rules

Create custom rules on Optimizer.

You can create a set of custom rules for transactions using different parameters such as payment method, card type, and so on. Also, you can add gateways in priority order and split traffic between gateways.

Let us assume you want to set up a custom rule wherein:

This means that if the success rate of Razorpay and ABC drops below a certain level, all transactions will automatically be routed to XYZ.

To set up the custom rule:

  1. Click +Add New Rule.

  2. In the Create Rule screen, add the rule details:

    1. Rule Name - Add a name for the rule. For example, VISA Card Transactions.
    2. Rule Description - Enter a description. For example, Route 80% of all VISA card transactions via Razorpay.
    Create Custom Rules
  3. Click Next.

  4. Add the rule conditions:

    Continuing with our VISA card rule example, the values will be as follows:

    1. When - Select Card Brand.
    2. is - Select Equal to.
    3. Select Comparing Value - Select VISA.
    4. Click Next.
    Add Custom Rule Conditions
  5. Add the target payment provider through which the transactions should be routed:

    1. Click Edit Target Provider to set the priority.
    2. Enter the following details:
      1. For example, for Razorpay gateway, provide the values for Route as 80 and payment via as Razorpay.
      2. Click Add Another Provider.
      3. For example, for ABC gateway, provide the values for Route as 20 and payment via as ABC.
    3. You can choose to add another provider as Priority 2. To do this, click Add Priority and enter the following details:
      1. For example, for XYZ gateway, provide the values for Route as 100 and payment via as XYZ.
    4. Click Next.
    Add Target Provider
  6. Click Publish Rule to publish immediately. Alternatively, you can save the rule in draft state and publish later.

Publish Rule

Custom identifiers are texts (strings) that can be used to construct routing rules. For instance, you can use custom identifiers to route transactions through Razorpay when you pass a custom text xyz and to PayU when you pass the text abc.

How to send the values for custom identifier?
There are three field defined for custom identifiers:

  1. optimizer_identifier_1
  2. optimizer_identifier_2
  3. optimizer_identifier_3

These fields can be sent within the notes object of the payment or order request. If this field is sent into the order request, it will be copied in the payment requests corresponding to the order id. This is done to ensure that you have both the options available. We recommend adding these fields in the order request since its more secure.

Given below are sample codes which show how the notes parameter should be passed in the Orders API and the Standard Checkout code:

-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
"amount": 50000,
"currency": "INR",
"receipt": "receipt#1",
"notes": {
"optimizer_identifier_1": "rzp",
"optimizer_identifier_2": "payu",
"optimizer_identifier_3": "atom"

<button id="rzp-button1">Pay</button>
<script src=""></script>
var options = {
"key": "YOUR_KEY_ID", // Enter the Key ID generated from the Dashboard
"amount": "50000", // Amount is in currency subunits. Default currency is INR. Hence, 50000 refers to 50000 paise
"currency": "INR",
"name": "Acme Corp",
"description": "Test Transaction",
"image": "",
"order_id": "order_9A33XWu170gUtm", //This is a sample Order ID. Pass the `id` obtained in the response of Step 1
"handler": function (response){
"prefill": {
"name": "Gaurav Kumar",
"email": "",
"contact": "9000090000"
"notes": {
"optimizer_identifier_1": "rzp",
"optimizer_identifier_2": "payu",
"optimizer_identifier_3": "atom"
"theme": {
"color": "#3399cc"
var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);
rzp1.on('payment.failed', function (response){
document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){;

Watch this short video of how you to route your transactions for

using Optimizer.

Turbo UPI on optimizer gif

Handy Tips

Make sure that you have enabled Turbo UPI as a payment method. If it is not yet enabled, please get in touch with your sales POC to activate this feature for your account.

Below is an example of how you can route your transactions for

using Optimizer:

  1. Log in to your Dashboard.

  2. Go to the PAYMENT PRODUCTS section and click Optimizer.

    optimizer login
  3. Click Add New Rule.

    Add new rule
  4. Enter the Rule Name and Rule Description and click Next.

    Add rule name & description
  5. Enter the following values:

    • When - Select Payment Method.
    • is - Select Equal to.
    • Select Comparing Value - Select upi_in_app and click Next.
    Add values

    Watch Out!

    The comparing value upi_in_app will be enabled only when you have the payment method Turbo UPI enabled for you.

  6. Enter the target payment provider details and click Next.

    Add target provider

    Watch Out!

    • Razorpay is the only supported payment provider for Turbo UPI on Optimizer.
    • If you do not set any routing rules, then by default, all transactions will be routed via Razorpay.
  7. Click Publish Rule.

    publish rule turbo upi
  8. Click Publish Now.

    publish now turbo upi

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custom rules
create custom rules
create rules
optimizer custom rules