
Add Ingenico as a payment provider on Optimizer.

Follow the steps below to onboard Ingenico as a payment provider.

Watch Out!

  • While Optimizer can route payments based on your business logic, the method enablement of each gateway must be handled between you and the gateway, or it may lead to failed payments.
  • Ingenico does not support tokenisation.


  1. Write to your TPSL Account Manager with the following requests:
    • Create a new MID for your account and get the seamless option enabled for your Merchant ID.
    • Configure the below webhook url to receive payment status:
    • Share the Encryption Keys with Merchant Code, Scheme Code and Encryption IV via email.
    • Share any bank codes sent by the TPSL team.
    • Enable the following features for your Ingenico merchant id (MID):
      • Feature to receive Bank Reference ID in Enquiry API.
      • Feature to receive other_details in Enquiry API. This contains transaction metadata, including Auth Code.
      • Feature to initiate refund request.
      • Feature to receive client_ref_id in Refund Enquiry API. This allows Razorpay to send its own internal ID in Refund API and receive the same in Refund Enquiry API.
      • Feature to receive refund ARN in Refund Enquiry API.
  2. If UAT is needed, ensure that the following bank/network codes are configured for your Ingenico test account:
    • For debit card : 1280
    • For credit card : 1270
    • For Netbanking:
      • HDFC : 410
      • ICICI : 10
      • SBI : 530
      • Any other bank/Test Bank : 470
  3. Copy Razorpay in the email and we will provide the supporting document from our end.

Before you go live with Ingenico on Optimizer, make sure you configure the scheme code as per your requirement.

Configure Scheme Code

Ingenico has a scheme code field that is an arrangement between you and Ingenico. By default, this is “FIRST”, but it can be modified by changes in the notes field used in checkout:

To add Ingenico as a payment provider:

  1. Log in to your Dashboard.

  2. Go to the PAYMENT PRODUCTS section and click Optimizer.

  3. In the top-right section, click Add Provider.

    Add provider
  4. Select Ingenico (Tech Process) in the list of gateways available and click Next.

    Add Ingenico
  5. Enter the provider name and description and click Next.

    Add Provider Ingenico
  6. Enter your Encryption IV, Encryption Key and Merchant Code.

  7. Select the payment methods you want to enable for Ingenico and click Submit.

    Add Secret Ingenico

You have successfully added Ingenico as a payment provider on Optimizer.

There are few banks for which netbanking is enabled by default for Ingenico. Given below is the list of banks along with its Ingenico bank codes:

Watch Out!

Any supported network or bank should be checked with Ingenico, or it may lead to payment failure.

Before routing all traffic or some traffic to a new gateway via Optimizer, the following best practices are recommended:

Live and Test Mode rules

All rules configured on live or test mode on the Razorpay Dashboard will reflect on live mode. However, credentials added on test mode will not be automatically replicated in live mode.

Sanity Test at Razorpay

You can reach out to Razorpay for basic sanity testing of the integration. Razorpay will try a test payment of small value and ensure that the credentials are correct.

Perform Self Sanity Test

We recommend configuring a rule on live mode to route payments lesser than a set value (for example, ₹2) to the Ingenico gateway. This helps to test on production whether small value payments are being routed to Ingenico and working successfully, thus avoiding any direct impact on production traffic.

To configure a rule in live mode:

  1. Log in to your Dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, click Optimizer.
  3. Click +Add Rule and enter the Rule name and Description.
  4. Click Next and enter the following rule:
    • In Parameter field, select Amount (In Rupees).
    • In Select Connection field, select Less Than.
    • In Enter Amount field, enter the value 2 and click Next.
    Add Rule
  5. Enter the value 100 in the Route field, select Ingenico (Tech Process) in the Payment Via field, and click Next.
    Ingenico target Provider
  6. Click Publish Rule.
    Ingenico Publish Rule

After the integration is tested and successful, you can go live on Ingenico (Tech Process).

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optimizer ingenico
add ingenico
integrate ingenico