Additional Configurations

Additional configurations available for Razorpay iOS Custom SDK.

This section explains the additional configurations available for Razorpay iOS Custom SDK.

Call the following function after the successful SDK initialization and change the API key:


The SDK provides a method to get the card network of the card. At least six digits of the card number are required to identify the network. The below method fetches the card network for a card. A minimum of 6 digits is required to identify the network.

razorpay.getCardNetwork(fromCardNumber: "cardNumber")

Possible values are:

  • visa
  • mastercard

If the method cannot identify the network, it returns unknown.

The entered card number can be validated using the checksum-based method.


Use the below method to fetch the card number's length for a card network:

razorpay.getCardNetworkLength(ofNetwork: "network")

Use the below method to fetch the bank logo URL. Here bankCode is the code of the bank. This should be available in the response received in the onPaymentMethodsReceived callback.

Use the below method to fetch the wallet logo URL:

Use the below method to fetch the wallet square image logo URL:

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