Recurring Payments - S2S Integration

Integrate Recurring Payments using Razorpay APIs.

Create and manage recurring payments using the Recurring Payments APIs.

You can create recurring payments using the following payment methods:

Feature Request

This is an on-demand feature. Please raise a request with our

to get this feature activated on your Curlec account.

The Curlec API Gateway URL is You need to include this before each API endpoint to make API calls.

Use the URL to access payment resources.

All Curlec APIs are authenticated using Basic Auth. Basic auth requires the following:


Basic auth expects an Authorization header for each request in the Basic base64token format. Here, base64token is a base64 encoded string of YOUR_KEY_ID:YOUR_KEY_SECRET.

Watch Out!

The Authorization header value should strictly adhere to the format mentioned above. Invalid formats will result in authentication failures. Few examples of invalid headers are: BASIC base64token, basic base64token, Basic "base64token" and Basic $base64token.

Follow these steps to generate API keys:

  1. Log in to your Dashboard with the appropriate credentials.
  2. Select the mode (Test or Live) for which you want to generate the API key.
    • Test Mode: The test mode is a simulation mode that you can use to test your integration flow. Your customers will not be able to make payments in this mode.
    • Live Mode: When your integration is complete, switch to live mode and generate live mode API keys. In the integration, replace test mode keys with live mode keys to accept customer payments.
  3. Navigate to Account & SettingsAPI Keys (under Website and app settings) → Generate Key to generate key for the selected mode.

The Key Id and Key Secret appear on a pop-up page.

Watch Out!

  • After generating the keys from the Dashboard, download and save them securely. You can use only one set of API keys. If you don't remember your API keys, you must from the Dashboard and update them wherever the previous keys were used for payment gateway integrations.
  • API Keys are universal; that is, they are applicable to all websites and apps that you have whitelisted for your Merchant ID.
  • Do not share your API Key secret with anyone or on any public platforms. This can pose security threats to your Curlec account.
  • Once you generate the API Keys, only the Key Id is visible on the Dashboard, not the Key secret, as it can pose security threats to your Curlec account.
  • Use the Live API Keys to accept live payments and the Test API Keys for test transactions.

The integration flow varies depending on how you choose to create the authorization transaction.

You can integrate Recurring Payments using Curlec Standard Checkout via APIs. Following is the integration flow to collect recurring payments using the Curlec Standard Checkout:

  1. Create a customer
    This returns a customer_id.
  2. Create an order
    This returns an order_id. The order amount for:
    • Cards is a minimum of RM 1.
  3. Create authorization transaction
    Pass the customer_id, order_id and a few additional parameters in your Checkout to create the authorization payment. The customer completes the authorization payment, which generates a token. This payment can be authorized using one of the following instruments:
    • Card
  4. Retrieve and check the status of the token
    After the token status changes to confirmed, you can create and charge subsequent payments.
  5. Create and charge subsequent payments
    To do this, you have to manually:
    1. Create a new order.
    2. Create a recurring payment.

You can create registration links from the Dashboard or using APIs.

Following is the integration flow to collect recurring payments using a registration link:

  1. Create a registration link and send it to your customer
    The customer completes the authorisation payment, which generates a token. This payment can be authorised using one of the following instruments:

    • Card

    No Need to Create a Customer and Order Separately

    If you use a registration link to create the authorisation transaction, Curlec automatically creates a customer and the order on your behalf.

  2. Retrieve and check the token status
    After the token status changes to confirmed, you can create and charge subsequent payments.

  3. Create and charge subsequent payments
    To do this, you have to manually:

    1. Create a new order.
    2. Create a recurring payment.

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