Input Restriction in Custom Fields

Add custom fields and implement input restriction methods in your Custom Checkout Form.

While using Custom Checkout, you can add custom fields and restrict their input.

var formatter = Razorpay.setFormatter(parentFormElement)
formatter.add('card', cardField)
.on('change', function() {
this.value; // contains the latest unformatted value
this.el; // contains the reference to cardField
this.prettyValue; // contains formatted value. It might not immediately reflect in DOM
this.caretPosition; // index at which caret is right now. reflects element.selectionStart
this.type; // card network. Possible values listed below
this.maxLen; // maximum permissible length for this type of card
this.isValid(); // card number validity
.on('network', function(o) {
// same params as change event
// restrict format to "MM / YY" format
formatter.add('expiry', expiryField)
// restrict to numbers only. typing characters would not produce anything.
formatter.add('number', numberField)
// this will restrict to numbers, with "+" allowed at first character
formatter.add('contact', contactField)
// unbind events once done


Event fired when unformatted value of target input field changes.


Event specific to card fields, fired when card type changes.

card network type

  • visa
  • mastercard


  • 15
  • 16
  • 19
<script src=""></script>

Check an example code below:

// shortcut function for document.getElementById
var getEl = document.getElementById.bind(document);
var formatter = Razorpay.setFormatter(getEl('parent-form'));
var cvvField = getEl('card_cvv');
formatter.add('card', getEl('card_number'))
.on('network', function(o) {
var type = this.type; // e.g. 'visa'
// set length of cvv element based on mastercard card
var cvvlen = type === 'amex' ? 4 : 3;
cvvField.maxLength = cvvlen;
cvvField.pattern = '^[0-9]{' + cvvlen + '}$';
getEl('card_type').innerHTML = type;
.on('change', function() {
var isValid = this.isValid();
getEl('card_valid').innerHTML = isValid ? 'valid' : 'invalid';
// automatically focus next field if card number is valid and filled
if (isValid && this.el.value.length === this.caretPosition) {
formatter.add('expiry', getEl('card_expiry'))
.on('change', function() {
var isValid = this.isValid();
getEl('expiry_valid').innerHTML = isValid ? 'valid' : 'invalid';
// automatically focus next field if card number is valid and filled
if (isValid && this.el.value.length === this.caretPosition) {

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