Additional Support for Payment Methods

Check the various form the fields you can use in the Checkout Form used in Curlec Checkout integrations.

The Razorpay Web Custom SDK lets you integrate the supported payment methods on your Website's Checkout form.

Use the

to fetch the payment methods available for your account.

Below are the sample payloads for each payment method.

In this case, data.method should be specified as card. Other required fields:

  • card[name]
  • card[number]
  • card[cvv]
  • card[expiry_month]
  • card[expiry_year]
amount: 5000,
email: '',
contact: '9000090000',
order_id: 'order_9A33XWu170gUtm',
method: 'card',
'card[name]': 'Gaurav Kumar',
'card[number]': '4111111111111111',
'card[cvv]': '123',
'card[expiry_month]': '10',
'card[expiry_year]': '30'

When method is wallet, you need to pass an additional field wallet as shown below:

amount: 5000,
email: '',
contact: '9123456780',
order_id: 'order_9A33XWu170gUtm',
method: 'wallet',
wallet: 'touchngo'

Possible values for wallet:

  • touchngo (default)
  • grabpay (default)

When method is fpx, you need to pass an additional field bank as shown below:

amount: 5000,
email: '',
contact: '9123456780',
order_id: 'order_9A33XWu170gUtm',
method: 'fpx',
bank: 'HSBC'

You can list the available banks using a drop-down for customers. You can obtain a list of banks using the


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