Bank Transfer on Custom Checkout

Know how to integrate bank transfer as a payment method on Razorpay Custom Checkout.

You can now accept payments from customers in the form of online bank transfers using the Razorpay Custom Checkout.

  1. Customer selects bank transfer as the payment method on Checkout.
  2. A Customer Identifier is created with the bank account number and IFSC details and displayed to the customer.
  3. The customer copies these details and makes a netbanking payment from their online banking portal.

These Customer Identifiers are linked to the bank account you have registered with Razorpay. The payments are settled in your account as per the settlement schedule.

Feature Request

This is an on-demand feature. Please raise a request with our

to get this feature activated on your Curlec account.

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .

Order is an important step in the payment process.

  • An order should be created for every payment.
  • You can create an order using the . It is a server-side API call. Know how to Orders API.
  • The order_id received in the response should be passed to the checkout. This ties the order with the payment and secures the request from being tampered.

Use this endpoint to create an order using the Orders API.

curl -X POST
-H 'content-type:application/json'
-d '{
"amount": 100,
"currency": "MYR",
"receipt": "qwsaq1",
"partial_payment": true,
"first_payment_min_amount": 230,
"notes": {
"key1": "value3",
"key2": "value2"

Request Parameters



integer The amount to be paid by the customer in sen. For example, if the amount is RM 500.00, enter 50000.



string The currency in which the payment should be made by the customer. Length must be of 3 characters.



string Your receipt id for this order should be passed here. Maximum length is 40 characters.



json object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.



boolean Indicates whether the customer can make a partial payment. Possible values:

  • true: The customer can make partial payments.
  • false (default): The customer cannot make partial payments.



integer Minimum amount that must be paid by the customer as the first partial payment. For example, if an amount of RM 7,000.00 is to be received from the customer in two installments of #1 - RM 5,000.00, #2 - RM 2,000.00 then you can set this value as 500000. This parameter should be passed only if partial_payment is true.

Know more about


Response Parameters

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the

parameters table.

Error Response Parameters

The error response parameters are available in the


Use the method fetchVirtualAccount to create and fetch the virtual account details. The method is called with the following data.

var data = {
order_id: 'order_CuEzONfnOI86Ab',// Replace with Order ID generated in Step 1
customer_id: "cust_1Aa00000000004",
notes: {
address: 'Ground Floor, SJR Cyber, Laskar Hosur Road, Bengaluru',
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {


_mandatorystring The unique identifier of the order created in the previous step.



string The unique identifier of the customer. Learn how to create a customer using the

. This parameter is mandatory if you want to associate the virtual account with a specific customer.



object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.


string The unique identifier of the virtual account.


string The merchant billing label as it appears on the Dashboard.


string Indicates the type of entity. Here, it is virtual account.


string Indicates whether the virtual account is in active or closed state.


string A brief description about the virtual account.


integer The amount paid by the customer.


json object Any custom notes you might want to add to the virtual account can be entered here. Refer

to learn more.


string Unique identifier of the customer to whom the virtual account is linked. Refer the

section to learn more.


json object Configuration of desired receivers for the virtual account.


string The unique identifier of the virtual bank account or virtual UPI ID. Sample IDs for:

  • virtual bank account
  • ba_Di5gbQsGn0QSz3
  • virtual UPI ID
  • vpa_CkTmLXqVYPkbxx.


string Name of the entity. Possible values:

  • bank_account
  • vpa


string The IFSC for the virtual bank account created. For example, RAZR0000001. This parameter appears in the response only when bank_account is passed as the receiver type.


string The bank associated with the virtual bank account. For example, RBL Bank. This parameter appears in the response only when bank_account is passed as the receiver type.


string The unique account number provided by the bank. For example, 1112220061746877. This parameter appears in the response only when bank_account is passed as the receiver type.


string The merchant billing label as it appears on the Dashboard. This parameter appears in the response only when bank_account is passed as the receiver type.


json object Any custom notes you might want to add to the virtual bank account or virtual UPI ID can be entered here. Refer

to learn more. This parameter appears in the response only when bank_account is passed as the receiver type.


string The UPI ID consists of the username and the bank handle. The username consists of the namespace (assigned by the bank to Razorpay), the merchant prefix (which can be customised by you) and the descriptor (which you provide to identify the customer). The unique identifier which forms the first half of the virtual UPI ID. For example, rpy.payto00000gaurikumari. This parameter appears in the response only when vpa is passed as the receiver type.


string The bank name that forms the second half of the virtual UPI ID. For example, icici. This parameter appears in the response only when vpa is passed as the receiver type.


string The UPI ID that combines the username and the handle with the @ symbol. For example, rpy.payto00000gaurikumari@icici. This parameter appears in the response only when vpa is passed as the receiver type.


integer UNIX timestamp at which the virtual account is scheduled to be automatically closed. The time must be at least 15 minutes after the current time. The date range can be set till 2147483647 in UNIX timestamp format (equivalent to Tuesday, January 19, 2038 8:44:07 AM GMT+05:30).

Handy Tips

Any request beyond 2147483647 UNIX timestamp will fail.


integer UNIX timestamp at which the virtual account is automatically closed.


integer UNIX timestamp at which the virtual account was created.

Handy Tips

The above flow also works with the following cases:

  1. With the Customer Fee bearer model, the amount validation should happen with Amount + Fee.
  2. You can pass the customer id in Checkout to ensure that a static virtual account is created for each customer.

You must subscribe to the virtual_account.credited webhook event on the Dashboard to receive notifications whenever customers make payments using bank transfers. Learn how to


"entity": "event",
"account_id": "acc_BFQ7uQEaa7j2z7",
"event": "virtual_account.credited",
"contains": [
"payload": {
"payment": {
"entity": {
"id": "pay_DETA2KrOlhqQzF",
"entity": "payment",
"amount": 50000,
"currency": "INR",
"status": "captured",
"order_id": "order_DBJOWzybf0sJbb",
"invoice_id": null,
"international": false,
"method": "bank_transfer",
"amount_refunded": 0,
"amount_transferred": 0,
"refund_status": null,
"captured": true,
"description": "NA",
"card_id": null,
"bank": null,
"wallet": null,
"vpa": null,
"email": "",
"contact": "+919000090000",
"customer_id": "cust_1Aa00000000004",
"notes": [],
"fee": 731,
"tax": 112,
"error_code": null,
"error_description": null,
"created_at": 1567675983
"virtual_account": {
"entity": {
"id": "va_DET8z3wBxfPB5L",
"name": "Acme Corp",
"entity": "virtual_account",
"status": "active",
"description": "Virtual Account to test webhook",
"amount_expected": null,
"notes": {
"Important": "Notes for Internal Reference"
"amount_paid": 50000,
"customer_id": "cust_1Aa00000000004",
"close_by": null,
"closed_at": null,
"created_at": 1567675923,
"receivers": [
"id": "ba_DET8z5Z5ghv4hW",
"entity": "bank_account",
"ifsc": "RATN0VAAPIS",
"bank_name": "RBL Bank",
"name": "Acme Corp",
"account_number": "1112220006712324"
"bank_transfer": {
"entity": {
"id": "bt_DETA2KSUJ3uCM9",
"entity": "bank_transfer",
"payment_id": "pay_DETA2KrOlhqQzF",
"mode": "NEFT",
"bank_reference": "156767598340",
"amount": 50000,
"payer_bank_account": {
"id": "ba_DETA2UuuKtKLR1",
"entity": "bank_account",
"ifsc": "KKBK0000007",
"bank_name": "Kotak Mahindra Bank",
"name": "Gaurav Kumar",
"account_number": "765432123456789"
"virtual_account_id": "va_DET8z3wBxfPB5L"
"created_at": 1567675983

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