List of External Wallets

Accept payments through external wallets at Razorpay Checkout.

You can list external wallets (wallets not supported by Razorpay) on our Checkout form. Razorpay does not process payments for external wallets but hands over the control to you along with any other customer data entered in the checkout form.

Handy Tips You must have a separate integration with the external wallet of choice. Razorpay passes the customer data, such as contact and email, entered in the Checkout to the handler object. You must pass this data to the external wallet integration.

If you are using any of the following external wallets, you can make them appear in your checkout form. You must pass the required string value as an array against external wallets:

Wallet NamesString Values
Citrus Walletcitrus
Amazon Payamazonpay

You can list these wallets on any of the following platforms:

  • Web application
  • Android
  • iOS

Handy Tips The wallet payment method can be used for a purchase amount of up to ₹20000 (2000000 in paise).

To list external wallet on your web application, you need to first integrate our

. After you integrate, follow the steps given below:

  1. Add a key external to checkout.js options.

  2. Set wallets with wallet name array in external as the first parameter.

    external: {
    wallets: ['paytm']
  3. Set handler with a callback function in external as second parameter. This is where you receive a callback from which you can handle external wallets based on the parameters:

external: {
wallets: ['paytm'],
handler: function (data) {

The external wallet sent in options will be shown in the wallets section.

If the customer selects external wallet and clicks Submit, our checkout.js library will return the control to you in the external.handler method. You will get the selected wallet name as an argument. You will now have to handle the external payment method.

To list external wallets on your Android app, you need to first integrate our

. After you integrate our Android checkout, follow the steps given below:

  1. Implement ExternalWalletListener in your activity.

    public class PaymentActivity extends Activity implements PaymentResultListener, ExternalWalletListener {
    public void onExternalWalletSelected(String walletName, PaymentData paymentData){
    // add your logic here to handle external wallet payments like
    //handle paytm payment
  2. Send external wallet information to checkout in options. You can send it in the following way:

    JSONArray wallets = new JSONArray();
    JSONObject externals = new JSONObject();
    externals.put("wallets", wallets);
    options.put("external", externals);

The external wallet sent in options will be shown in the wallets section. If the customer selects an external wallet and submits it, our SDK will return control to you in the onExternalWalletSelected method. You will get the selected wallet name as an argument. You will now have to handle your payment.

To list external wallet on your iOS app, you need to first set up your framework. Know more about

. Perform the following steps:

  1. Implement ExternalWalletSelectionProtocol in your view controller.

    @interface ViewController () <RazorpayPaymentCompletionProtocol,
    ExternalWalletSelectionProtocol> {
  2. Set ExternalWalletSelectionDelegate to get callback in delegate method.

    [razorpay setExternalWalletSelectionDelegate:self];
  3. Send external wallet information to Checkout in options. You can send it in the following way:

    NSDictionary *options = @{
    @"amount" : @"20000",
    @"currency" : @"INR",
    @"description" : @"A Wild Sheep Chase is the third novel by Japanese author Haruki Murakami",
    @"image" :,
    @"name" : @"Gaurav Kumar",
    @"external" : @{@"wallets" : @[ @"paytm" ]},
    @"prefill" :
    @{@"email" : @"", @"contact" : @"9000090000"},
    @"theme" : @{@"color" : @"#3594E2"}
  4. Implement onExternalWalletSelected:WithPaymentData: delegate method to receive callback and get control back.

The external wallet sent in options will be shown in the wallets section. If the customer selects an external wallet and clicks Submit, our SDK will return control to you in the onExternalWalletSelected method. You will get the selected wallet name as an argument. You will now have to handle the external payment method.

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