Integrate With Subscriptions
Step-by-step guide on how to integrate Curlec Subscriptions.
You can use Curlec Subscriptions to set up and manage recurring payments. Integrate Curlec Subscriptions by following these steps:
- Create a Curlec account.
- Log in to the Dashboard and . You need to use these keys while using our APIs and Checkout.
Follow these steps to create plans, subscriptions and accept payments from customers.
A Plan is a foundation on which a Subscription is built. It acts as a reusable template and contains details of the goods or services offered with the amount to be charged and the frequency at which the customer should be charged (billing cycle). Depending on your business, you can create multiple Plans with different billing cycles and pricing.
You should create a Plan before creating a Subscription via your checkout.
You can create Plans from the
or using .A Subscription contains details like the Plan, the start date, total number of billing cycles, free
(if any) and to be collected.Subscriptions can be created from the
or using .Add-ons can be charged to your customers at any time during the life of a Subscription. Add-ons are typically charged for extra services taken by a customer during the billing cycle.
Consider, Acme Corp. is providing DTH services. A customer wants to add the sports channel pack, which costs an additional RMÂ 300.00, to his Subscription only for the next month.
Before the next billing cycle, Acme Corp. can add RMÂ 300.00 to the customer's current bill amount as an add-on.
Add-ons can be created from the
or using .After you create a Subscription, you need the customer's permission to charge their card at periodic intervals. For this, the customer has to complete an authentication/authorisation transaction.
You can collect the authorisation transaction by passing the subscription_id along with the other options to the Curlec Standard Checkout.
Once the authorisation transaction is successful, Curlec returns the razorpay_payment_id
, razorpay_subscription_id
and the razorpay_signature
Use the sample code to initiate Curlec Standard Checkout. Check the
.<button id = "rzp-button1">Pay</button><script src = ""></script><script>var options = {"key": "key_id","subscription_id": "sub_00000000000001","name": "Acme Corp.","description": "Monthly Test Plan","image": "/your_logo.jpg","callback_url": "","prefill": {"name": "Gaurav Kumar","email": "","contact": "+919876543210"},"notes": {"note_key_1": "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot","note_key_2": "Make it so."},"theme": {"color": "#F37254"}};var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e) {;e.preventDefault();}</script>
This is a mandatory step that allows you to confirm the authenticity of the card details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments.
To verify the razorpay_signature
returned to you by the Checkout form:
Create a signature in your server using the following attributes:
Use the SHA256 algorithm, the
and thesubscription_id
to construct an HMAC hex digest as shown below:generated_signature = hmac_sha256(razorpay_payment_id + "|" + subscription_id, secret);if (generated_signature == razorpay_signature) {payment is successful} -
If the signature you generate on your server matches the
returned to you by the Checkout form, the payment received is from an authentic source.
You can test the integration by making a test payment using our cards:
Consider the following steps before taking your integration live.
After confirming if your integration is working successfully, you can take the integration live by switching the Test Mode API Keys with the Live Mode Keys.
Watch this video to know how to generate Live API keys:
You can subscribe to these
.Follow the best practices for a smooth Subscriptions integration.
Verify the received payments to confirm the authenticity of the mandate details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments.
Implement Curlec Webhooks to receive notifications on various events of Subscriptions.
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