1. Build Integration
Follow the step-by-step guide on how to integrate the Razorpay Trusted Business (RTB) widget into your WooCommerce website's product pages.
Steps to integrate the Razorpay Trusted Business widget into your WooCommerce website.
Follow the below steps to install the plugin:
- for a Curlec account.
- From the Wordpress Plugins list, the latest Razorpay for WooCommerce plugin with RTB widget.
- After you install the plugin, go to the plugin settings and enter the Razorpay ID and secret. Click save to check eligibility for the RTB.
If you are eligible, the option to enable the RTB widget will appear. Select the checkbox against Enable RTB Widget? and click Save changes.
This completes your integration.
To verify the integration, visit your WooCommerce website and access any of your product pages. Preview the page to check how the RTB widget appears to your buyers.
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razorpay trusted business widget
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