Subscriptions Add-on

Create add-ons to charge an extra amount from your customers.

You can create

to charge the customer an extra amount for a particular billing cycle. Once you create an add-on for a Subscription, it is added to the next invoice that is generated. On the next scheduled charge, the customer is charged the add-on amount in addition to their regular Subscription amount.

API EndpointDescription
Creates an add-on.
Retrieves all the created add-ons.
Retrieves an add-on using its unique identifier.
Deletes a created add-on.


string The unique identifier of the created add-on. For example, ao_00000000000001.


object Details of the created add-on.


string The unique identifier of the created item. For example, item_00000000000001.


boolean Indicates whether the add-on is active. Here, the value is true.


string Name of the add-on. For example, Extra appala (papadum).


string Description for the add-on. For example, 1 extra oil fried appala with meals.


integer Amount for the add-on in currency subunit that is to be charged for the Subscription in the next billing cycle. For example, 30000.


string The currency in which the customer should be charged for the add-on. For example, MYR.


integer The Unix timestamp indicates when the item was created. For example, 1581597318.


integer This specifies the number of units of the add-on to be charged to the customer. For example, 2. The total amount is calculated as amount * quantity.


integer The Unix timestamp, indicates when the add-on was created. For example, 1581597318.


string The unique identifier of the Subscription to which the add-on is being added. For example, sub_00000000000001.


string The add-on is added to the next invoice that is generated after it is created. This field is populated only after the invoice is generated. Until then, it is null. Once the add-on is linked to an invoice, it cannot be deleted.

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