Co-branded Onboarding Settings
Customise your theme, logo and brand name to mimic your platform environment while onboarding sub-merchants.
You can configure the theme colour and logo as per your platform theme to provide a seamless onboarding experience for your sub-merchants.
To customise the theme and logo:
Log in to the Dashboard.
Navigate to Partners → Settings → Configuration.
Provide the following details:
- Theme Color: Enter your brand theme colour's HEX value. For example, "#3399cc". This is the primary colour for the onboarding flow UI.
- Your Logo: Click Upload File to add your brand logo. Ensure the file meets these requirements:
- Height: Width ratio should be 1:1 (square shape).
- Maximum file size: 1 MB.
- Maximum dimension: 256x256px.
- Enter Your Brand Name: Enter the name that should be shown on the onboarding flow UI. The maximum character limit is 100.
Check the preview of the onboarding UI on the right (desktop and phone) and click Save.

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