Manage Team

Mange your team, add or remove users and provide appropriate role to control access for Payment Links.

You can manage your team of users who can access the Dashboard. You can provide specific access to a user or a set of users for Payment Links.

You need someone in your organisation to perform day-to-day operations such as creating a payment link or a webhook. In this case, you can give access of your Dashboard to a person and assign the Operations role. This limits the access to actions related to refunds and settlements only.

There are some predefined user roles that you can assign to your team members. You can use these roles to limit a user's access to the Dashboard. The below table explains each role and permissions associated with it. A team member should be assigned a role as the role is tied to an email address. A user can be assigned multiple roles by making use of different email ids.

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manage team for payment links
team access payment links
team management
team roles for payment links