Upload Data on Payment Pages in Batches

Share Payment Page Link in bulk with customers via email and SMS.

You can display information important to your business by adding and modifying fields on the Batch Page and then uploading the data against the same via file upload. Your customers can view the data uploaded by you which would be specific to them and then proceed to make the payment.

Feature Request

This is an on-demand feature. Please raise a request with our

to get this feature activated on your Curlec account.

  1. Payment Pages Creation and Customer Data Upload: Businesses can create individualised Payment Pages with an option to upload a file containing specific customer data for their customer base. You can use this data to personalise the payment page for each customer.

  2. Automated Notifications: After the business uploads the data, an automated system will send the Payment Page URLs to the customers via their registered email and mobile number. You can simply embed the page URL on your website if you do not wish to send notifications.

  3. Customer Validation: Once customers click on the link, they are validated based on a predefined reference parameters that can be as per your, that is, the Business's requirement. This parameter forms part of the data initially uploaded by the business while creating the page. The validation step ensures a secure transaction environment and that only the intended customer can view their respective Payment Page.

  4. Customer-specific Details Access: After successful validation, customers can view the specific details on their personalised Payment Page as per what was uploaded by you during the batch upload.

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To create a Payment Page:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard and navigate to Payment Pages.
  2. Select Batch Payment Pages and click + Create Payment Pages.
  3. Add Business Details to your Payment Page. Know more about how to add to your Payment Page.
  4. Add payment details to your Payment Page:
    1. Primary Reference Id and Secondary Reference Id are input fields that your customers will use to validate themselves on the page link shared.
    2. Modify the label of these fields as per your requirement.
    3. The Primary Reference Id and Secondary Reference Id input fields are mandatory and cannot be deleted from the page.
      Shows the option to select an input field as a secondary reference Id.
  5. Click Save and Proceed to next Step. You can download the sample file from here or do it later from the Dashboard.
    Shows the interim step before publishing a Payment Page.
  6. Click Create and Publish Page to create the Payment Page.

  1. Navigate to Batch Payment Pages and select the Payment Page you have created.
  2. Click View Batch Details and download the sample file by clicking Download Sample File.
  1. The batch file contains all the input fields you added in the Payment Details section of your Payment Page.
  2. Fill in the details in the batch file and save. Make sure you do not make any changes to the column labels as that will lead to batch upload failure later.

  1. Select Click here to Upload to upload the batch file.
  2. On the pop-up page, drag and drop the file over the highlighted area. Alternatively, select the click to upload option to select your file from your system.
    Pop-up that indicates where to upload Batch Upload

The file is validated and uploaded to the Razorpay server. After the file is successfully uploaded, a snippet view of the file is displayed in the Batch Upload pop-up page.

To add details to Batch upload:

  1. Enter a relevant file name in the BATCH FILE NAME field.
  2. Follow these steps to determine whether the links should be sent immediately or later. Also, select the medium of link sharing:
    • If you want to send links immediately, select via SMS and/or via Email next to the NOTIFY check box options and click Create.
    • If you want to send them later, do not select any medium and click Create.
    Adding Batch details to a Batch File.

After the batch is created, you can see a Batch Created Successfully pop-up page. Click Close and reload the page. The newly created batch file will appear in the list of Batch Uploads.

The Batch Uploads screen displays the following fields:

The batch file states are explained in the table given below:

If there are any errors, they are mentioned in the batch file. Check the batch file, make the necessary corrections and upload the batch file again.

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batch payment pages
bulk payment pages
multiple payment pages