Install Razorpay Node.js SDK

Install the Node.js server-side SDK to interact with Curlec APIs and start accepting payments from your customers.

Install the

and accept payments on your website or app powered by the Node.js server.

Version No.Release DateChanges
2.9.417 May 2024Feature
Added support for:
  • addBankAccount, deleteBankAccount, requestEligibilityCheck and fetchEligibility on customer
  • viewRtoReview and editFulfillment on order
  • Fetching all IINs supporting native OTPs and fetching all IINs with business sub-type using All
  • uploadStakeholderDoc, fetchStakeholderDoc on stakeholder
  • Dispute
2.9.318 Apr 2024Bug Fix : Updated the type definition for product and customer.

Open your project folder and run the following command on your command prompt to install the Razorpay Node.js SDK:

npm i razorpay

  • Feature Request: If you have a feature request, raise an issue on .

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