Troubleshooting & FAQs

Troubleshoot common errors and find answers to frequently asked questions related to Razorpay Hosted Web Integration.

1. What is Razorpay Hosted Checkout?

Razorpay Hosted Checkout is a secure and customisable solution for accepting payments on your website. It allows you to redirect customers to a Razorpay-hosted page to complete their transactions, ensuring data security and compliance with payment regulations.

2. What payment methods are supported by Razorpay Hosted Checkout?

Razorpay Hosted Checkout supports a wide range of payment methods including netbanking, credit and debit cards, wallets, UPI and Pay Later. You can offer your customers multiple payment options to enhance their checkout experience.

Watch Out!

We do not support EMI, Offers and UPI intent on Hosted Checkout.

3. Which webhook events should I enable to ensure proper payment tracking?

To ensure proper payment tracking and receive real-time updates, you should enable the following webhook events:

  • payment.captured
  • payment.failed
  • order.paid

4. How can I avoid cases of callback failure?

To avoid cases of callback failure due to connectivity or network issues, implement webhooks or use the query API. Know more about


5. Will an order_id be generated each time a user visits the pricing page? How can I handle the order_id when there is limited time to make a POST form call?

The order_id can be generated in real time as required. Your implementation should be designed to handle the order_id generation at the moment it is required, ensuring that the necessary POST form call can be made efficiently.

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