
Integrate PayPal with Curlec to accept international payments. Check how Curlec handles currency conversions for you.

You can accept payments based on the transaction limit of your PayPal account. Know more about the other


Integrating PayPal as a payment method on Checkout offers you the following advantages:

  • Better Success Rates: Enjoy up to 20% higher success rates.
  • Faster Settlement time: Get paid on a T+1 settlement schedule.
  • Wide user base: Reach Over 300 million PayPal users around the world.
  • No additional charges: PayPal defines the rates for transactions.
  • Currency Conversion: Handle currency conversions from MYR to your customer's native currency.

Handy Tips

The PayPal section is visible only in the Live mode on the Dashboard.

To enable PayPal:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to Account & SettingsInternational payments (under Payment methods). Scroll to the PayPal section and click Link Account.

  3. Upon redirection to PayPal:

    • If you do not have a PayPal account, you need to complete the verification process and KYC. This will include confirming your email address by clicking on the link sent to you by PayPal.
    • If you already have a PayPal account, you need to authorise Curlec to accept payments.

    You should now be able to see your PayPal enablement status set to Pending on your Dashboard. PayPal will activate your account within 48 hours if all of the previous steps are successfully completed.

    You can now proceed with the integration. This depends on how you have integrated Curlec on your website or application.

    By default, your PayPal account is configured to receive USD payments. You can enable more currencies on your account from your PayPal Dashboard.

    Watch Out!

    • You should not use the same email ID for multiple MIDs.
    • Each business should set up a separate PayPal account for each MID.

If you are using Curlec Standard Checkout, you just need to enable PayPal from your dashboard and complete the onboarding procedure. After the onboarding is completed and PayPal is enabled for you, it appears on your checkout form for all supported currencies.

Customers can use PayPal Currency Conversion to convert international payments in MYR (or other currency) to a currency of their choice. This enables businesses to continue accepting payments via PayPal.

  • You will have your PayPal account configured to receive payments in all currencies.
  • You can pass the currency in MYR to Curlec or enable more currencies on your account from your PayPal dashboard.
  • Curlec applies for currency conversion on an hourly basis.
  • When converting currencies on a payment or transfer, the standard PayPal charges are applicable.

You receive the payments made using PayPal directly to your PayPal wallet. PayPal makes the settlements in MYR.

Refunds - PayPal Balance Required

Ensure you have sufficient balance in your PayPal account before you initiate a refund.

  1. Refunds can be initiated by you either from the or by using the .
  2. The refund amount is deducted from your PayPal account and credited to your customer's PayPal account.

Following is the list of supported currencies:

1. I am an existing Curlec customer, are there any integration changes to be done to support international payments via Curlec?

There are no integration changes required for you to accept payments via an international debit or credit card. However, if you want to display a foreign currency on your checkout, you need to pass the relevant code in the currency parameter in the Checkout code.

2. How do I disable the PayPal payment method activated on my account?

Please raise a support ticket with Curlec over


3. I have already registered for PayPal. How do I change the PayPal account which I had added to Curlec?

You can log in to your

, go to Settings and update your email address to your new account.
If you want to keep both your accounts active, please raise a request with our .

4. I have enabled PayPal and the status shows activated on my Dashboard. However, why is there no option to pay with PayPal on my checkout?

PayPal will be shown on your checkout only if the purchasing currency is other than Malaysian Ringgits (MYR), for example, if the currency is USD or EUR. PayPal will not appear on your checkout otherwise.

5. What is the pricing for PayPal?

To know more about the pricing for PayPal check out the


6. By when will PayPal be activated on my Curlec account?

  • Existing PayPal Account: Curlec enables PayPal on your checkout in 2 days.
  • New PayPal Account: After you complete all the onboarding steps on PayPal's website, Curlec enables PayPal on your checkout within 5 working days.

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enable paypal wallet
standard checkout
currency conversion