Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Recurring Payments using UPI.

1. Which banks and apps support UPI Recurring Payments?

Supported Applications

Below are the UPI applications and their handles that support UPI AutoPay:

Frequently Used Applications

Below are some of the frequently used UPI applications and their handles:

Other Applications

Below are the other UPI applications and their handles:

Supported Banks

Refer to the


2. Which are the intent-supported PSP apps?

The below table gives information about the frequently used intent-supported PSP apps on different platforms and checkout integrations.

Watch Out!

  • You should contact our to enable UPI Intent on standard checkout. Watch this video on how to get it enabled.
    Feature Request GIF
  • UPI Intent is not supported for @okaxis handle.

3. Which are the intent-supported PSP apps for TPV?

The below table gives information about the frequently used intent-supported PSP apps for TPV on different platforms and checkout integrations.

Watch Out!

  • You should contact our to enable PSP apps other than PhonePe and Paytm on Standard Checkout for UPI TPV. Watch this video on how to get it enabled.
Feature Request GIF
  • UPI Intent TPV is not supported for @okaxis handle.

4. Is there a limit on the debit amount in UPI?

Yes. The maximum transaction amount allowed is ₹15,000 when using UPI as a payment method.

Handy Tips

For certain MCCs, the maximum amount limit for one transaction is ₹1,00,000. Refer to the


5. Can I charge customer payments in international currencies via a UPI mandate?

No, you cannot charge customer payments in international currencies. UPI mandates only support INR payments.

6. For UPI mandates, how long does it take for the token status to move from the initiated state to the confirmed state?

For UPI mandates, the token status is updated from initiated state to the confirmed state in real-time.

7. For UPI mandates, how long does it take a subsequent charge to move from the created state to the authorized state?

For UPI mandates, the following table indicates the time required to update the token status from the created state to the authorized state:

8. What is pre-debit notification?

Pre-debit notifications are notifications sent to consumers 24 hours prior to the payment, allowing customers to pay, pause or cancel the e-mandate.

9. Can I cancel a UPI mandate?

Yes, you can cancel a UPI mandate from the Dashboard.

10. Can I revoke a UPI mandate?

You can revoke a UPI mandate directly from the Dashboard. To do so, cancel the mandate first, and then delete it.

11. Once registered, can I pause a UPI mandate?

No, you cannot pause a UPI mandate.

12. Once registered, can I modify a UPI mandate?

No, it is not possible to modify or update a UPI mandate. However, you can cancel the UPI mandate.

13. Once registered, can my customer cancel a UPI mandate?

Yes, your customers can cancel a UPI mandate from their UPI app.

14. Once registered, can my customer pause a UPI mandate?

Yes, your customers can pause a UPI mandate from their UPI app.

15. Once registered, can my customer modify a UPI mandate?

No, it is not possible to modify or update a UPI mandate. However, your customers can pause or cancel the UPI mandate from their UPI app.

16. What are some best practices I can follow when creating subsequent payments for UPI recurring payment?

For UPI, do not create subsequent payments on the last day of the cycle. This will cause the payment to fail.

17. What is the supported amount limit on PSP applications?

18. Is QR Code supported for UPI Autopay?


is supported on Standard Checkout to collect Recurring Paymennts. The customers can scan the QR using any PSP app and make the payment.

19. Can I restrict my customers from pausing and cancelling the mandate?

Yes, you can restrict your customers from pausing and cancelling the mandate by enabling OC125 functionality. After enabling, the Pause and Cancel mandate buttons are not available on PSP apps as shown in the image below.

Checkout with OC125 Enabled

This functionality is supported only for lending businesses. Please contact our

for more information.

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