FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Curlec Route.

1. How can I transfer money to customers?

You can use Curlec Route from the Dashboard or using APIs to transfer money to customers.

To use Route from the Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Find a payment on the Transactions panel (left column). Click on the Payment ID to view its details on the right panel. Create a transfer from the payment.
  3. Alternatively, find a payment under the Payments tab on the Route panel. Click on the Payment ID to view its details, and create a transfer.

You can also use

to transfer money.

2. How can I track the status of transactions initiated using Route?

When a transfer is created from the Dashboard or using the Route APIs, you are notified if the transfer creation was successful or not.

The transfer is processed asynchronously and on success, transfer.processed webhook is sent (if enabled). Know more about


3. How can I track the status of funds transferred to linked accounts?

The transfer.processed webhook is sent for every successful transfer. The webhook indicates that the requested transfer is processed, funds are debited from the merchant and credited to the linked account.

Know more about


4. Can you reverse a transfer?

Yes, you can reverse transfers. You can initiate a reversal from the Dashboard or using APIs.

To create a reversal from the Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Go to RouteTransfers. Click on a Transfer ID to view the details. Click on the Create Reversal button to reverse the transfer.

5. Can I create transfers on an order for international currencies?

No, you cannot create transfers on an order for international currencies. The transfer reversal is available only for MYR.

6. When should I initiate Transfer using Payments?

You should initiate Transfer using Payments when information regarding payment split is decided post customer transaction and/or has some other approval/verification dependencies on the linked accounts. For example, in life insurance, you can only transfer funds to a linked account post-approval and policy issuance.

7. When should I initiate Direct Transfers?

Direct Transfers is an on-demand feature. Raise a request with

to get it enabled for your account. You should initiate Direct Transfers when fund transfers to a linked account is not necessarily linked to any incoming payments. You can also use this feature for payouts.

8. I have created a linked account on the Dashboard in the Test mode. Can I use it on the Live mode?

You can use a linked account created in the Test mode on the Live mode and vice versa.

9. Does Curlec Route support international currencies?

Currently, we support only MYR for Curlec Route.

10. Should the linked account websites be whitelisted to use route?

No. Your linked account websites do not need to be whitelisted to use Route. The only requirement is that your website, from which your customers will make the payment, must be whitelisted with Curlec.

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