Install Razorpay Java SDK

Install the Java server-side SDK and interact with Curlec APIs to start accepting payments.

You can install the Razorpay Java SDK and integrate it with your Java-based website to accept payments, initiate refunds and much more.

Watch Out!

You must be using Java 1.8 or higher.

Version No.Release DateChanges
1.4.602 Apr 2024Feature
Added support for:
  • addBankAccount, deleteBankAccount, requestEligibilityCheck and fetchEligibility on customer
  • viewRtoReview and editFulfillment on order
  • Fetching all IINs supporting native OTPs and fetching all IINs with business sub-type using All
  • uploadStakeholderDoc, fetchStakeholderDoc on stakeholder
  • uploadAccountDoc, fetchAccountDoc on account
  • Dispute
1.4.514 Feb 2024Feature
Added support for:
  • OAuth APIs
  • Access token based authentication mechanism
  • Onboarding signature generation

You can install Razorpay using Maven or Gradle.

  1. Download and install on your system.
  2. Download the zip file from the Releases section of GitHub.
  3. Unzip the file and add this dependency to the project object model (POM) of your project.

Import the following packages before your get started:

import org.json.JSONObject;
import com.razorpay.*;

  • Feature Request: If you have a feature request, raise an issue on .

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