Test Card Details

Use test cards to test Malaysian payments.

You can test the payment flow using our test cards.

Watch Out!

You can use these test cards to make payments in test mode only. If you use these test cards for live mode payments, either of the following error message will be displayed: card issuer is invalid or invalid card input.

To use the test card details:

  1. At the Checkout, select Card as the payment method.
  2. Enter the OTP to access saved cards if required.
  3. Enter the card details. This depends on the flow you are testing.
  4. Enter any random CVV.
  5. Enter any future date as the expiry date.
  6. Click Pay. A sample payment page is displayed.
    • Enter a random OTP between 4 to 10 digits to make the payment successful and click Submit.
    • Enter a random OTP below 4 digits to fail the payment and click Submit.

Card NetworkCard NumberCVVExpiry Date
Mastercard5272 0088 0623 5704Random CVVAny future date
Visa4842 7930 0208 6571Random CVVAny future date

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