Refund to Customers
Issue a refund to the customer from the Curlec Dashboard.
Customers may cancel the order sometimes, and you may have to refund the amount. In such cases, you can initiate a refund to the customers from the Dashboard. You can issue a full or a partial refund to customers.
To issue a refund:
- Log in to the Dashboard and click Route under PAYMENT PRODUCTS.
- Click the Payments tab and then click the relevant Payment ID.
- In the Payment details pane, click Issue Refund.
- For a full refund, enter the total transaction amount. Enter comments if required, and then click Issue Full Refund.
- For a partial refund, enter the amount. Enter comments if required, and then click Issue Partial Refund.
- The refund transfer happens from your primary account. Hence, you must create a corresponding reversal for the Linked Account. This can be done manually, or you may use the Reverse all Route Transfers as well option for automatic reversal.
- A dialog box is displayed. Click Yes, Refund.

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