Manage Team

Manage your team, add or remove users and provide appropriate roles to control access.

Manage your team of users who can access the Dashboard. You can provide specific access to a user or a set of users.


You need someone in your organisation to perform day-to-day operations such as handling refunds and settlements. In this case, you can give Dashboard access to a person and assign the Operations role. This limits their access to actions related to refunds and settlements only.

There are some predefined user roles that you can assign to your team members. You can use these roles to limit a user's access to the Dashboard. Check each role and the permissions associated with it.


Actions Allowed

  • Generate API Keys
  • Create and manage webhooks
  • Manage Teams
  • Update brand name
  • Edit activation form details, including bank account details, before submission
  • View all transactions and settlements
  • Configure payment capture settings
  • Configure payment methods
  • Capture transactions
  • Create refunds
  • Create and manage Invoices, Payment Pages, Payment Links and Customers
  • Create and upload batch files
  • Download and email reports
  • Install OAuth Apps


Actions Allowed

  • Generate API Keys
  • Create and manage webhooks
  • Update brand name
  • Edit activation form details, including bank account details, before submission
  • Configure payment methods
  • View all transactions and settlements
  • Capture transactions
  • Create refunds
  • Create and manage Invoices, Payment Pages, Payment Links and Customers
  • Create and upload batch files
  • Download and email reports

Actions Not Allowed

  • Manage Teams


Actions Allowed

  • Create and manage webhooks
  • Edit activation form details, before submission
  • Configure payment capture settings
  • Configure payment methods
  • View all transactions and settlements
  • Capture transactions
  • Create refunds
  • Create and manage Invoices, Payment Pages, Payment Links and Customers
  • Create and upload batch files
  • Download and email reports

Actions Not Allowed

  • Generate API Keys
  • Manage Teams


Actions Allowed

  • View all transactions and settlements
  • Capture transactions
  • Create refunds
  • Create Invoices, Payment Links, Payment Pages and Payment Buttons
  • Create and upload batch files
  • Download and email reports

Actions Not Allowed

  • Generate API Keys
  • Manage Teams
  • Edit activation form details, including bank account details, before submission


Actions Allowed

  • Edit activation form details, before submission
  • View all transactions and settlements
  • Create and upload batch files
  • Download and email reports

Actions Not Allowed

  • Generate API Keys
  • Create and manage webhooks
  • Manage Teams
  • Capture transactions
  • Create refunds
  • Create and manage Invoices, Payment Pages, Payment Links and Customers


Actions Allowed

  • View all transactions and settlements
  • Download and email reports other than the monthly invoice report

Actions Not Allowed

  • Generate API Keys
  • Create and manage webhooks
  • Manage Teams
  • Edit activation form details, including bank account details, before submission
  • Capture transactions
  • Create refunds
  • Create and manage Invoices, Payment Pages, Payment Links and Customers
  • Create and upload batch files
  • Access monthly invoice report

Handy Tips

A team member should be assigned a role as the role is tied to an email address. A user can have multiple roles if they have different email ids.

You can invite anyone with a valid email address to your account. Every user has unique login credentials.

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Account & SettingsBusiness settings and click Manage Team.
  3. Click Invite New Member.
  4. Type in the email address of the user whom you want to invite. Select a role from the drop-down list.
  5. Click Send Invitation to invite the user. A list of accepted and pending invitations is displayed on the same page.
  6. Click Resend to re-invite the user or Cancel to cancel the invitation.

To accept an invitation:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Account & SettingsBusiness settings and click Invitations.
  3. Click Accept next to the invite.

Switching Accounts

After accepting the invite, the invited user can switch between their and your account using the Switch Merchant option available on the Dashboard header. You cannot access their account unless they invite you to join their team.

You can invite a user who is not registered with Curlec to join your team. Such users are sent an invitation link via email.

To invite a new user:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Account & SettingsBusiness settings and click Manage Team.
  3. Click Invite New Member.
  4. Enter the member's email id and select the user role to be assigned.
  5. Click Send Invitation.

You can change the user's role after the invitation is sent to the user or after the invitation is accepted by the user.

To update a user's role:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Account & SettingsBusiness settings and click Manage Team.
  3. Select the new role for the user from the drop-down.
  4. Click Update.

You can remove a user from your team to remove their complete access from your Dashboard.

To remove a user from your team:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Account & SettingsBusiness settings and click Manage Team.
  3. Click Remove to remove a user from the Team Member list. Once removed, the user can no longer access your Dashboard.
  4. Click Cancel to remove a user from the Pending Invitations list.

You can set 2-step verification for your entire team for enhanced security and protection of your Dashboard data thus preventing malicious attacks or misuse of your sensitive business data.

To enable 2-step verification for your team:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Account & SettingsBusiness settings and click Manage Team.
  3. Enable the 2-Step Verification to the team option.
  4. Enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile device. (This step is not required if you had already performed OTP verification during login.)
  5. Enter your account password and confirm.

You have now set up 2FA for your entire team.

1. What to do if a user account is locked?

If a user enters the wrong OTP 9 times, their account will be locked for security reasons. In such scenarios, the user should contact their respective account owner. The account owner can unlock the users' accounts.

2. What to do if a user loses their mobile device?

If a user loses their mobile device, they should reach out to their respective account owner. The account owner can Invalidate 2FA for the user, that is reset 2FA for the user. The user will be asked to enter their mobile number the next time they log in to the Dashboard.

3. What to do if the account owner is locked?

If you are the account owner and have entered the wrong OTP 9 times, your account will be locked for security reasons. In such scenarios, contact our

to Reset 2FA for your account.

4. What to do if the account owner loses their mobile device?

If you are the account owner and have lost your mobile device, contact our

to Reset 2FA for your account.

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manage team