Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Refunds via Curlec.

Find answers to commonly asked questions about refunds.

1. How do I initiate a refund?

You can issue partial or full refunds:

By default, the entire amount is refunded. If you issue a partial refund, ensure the partial refund option is selected and enter the desired value in MY.

Watch Out!

Curlec issues immediate refunds. Once a refund is issued, it cannot be canceled or reversed.

2. Do you charge for refund?

We charge a flat fee of RM 0.50 per refund.

3. I am unable to refund a payment. What do I do?

If your current balance is less than the amount you are trying to refund, you can either initiate the refund once you receive further payments or you can

to your account from your Curlec Dashboard.

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