Sub-Merchant Onboarding APIs Flow

Seamlessly onboard merchants using the Sub-Merchant Onboarding APIs.

To use the Sub-Merchant Onboarding APIs, you need to enroll in the Razorpay Partner Program.

The following illustration depicts the Sub-merchant Onboarding APIs flow to help Partners onboard merchants from their platform:

Partners API Workflow diagram

Follow the steps given below:

  1. Sign in to your Partner Dashboard to obtain your client_id and client_secret to authenticate API calls. You can obtain client_id and client_secret depending on the test mode or live mode.

  2. Create a webhook related to desired events such as payments, orders, invoices and so on.

  3. Create an account for the sub-merchant using the


  4. An account is created and the account_id is provided in the response. For example, acc_Hbu4sC0O4GOGSN. Use this account_id to fetch, update, delete the account and upload account documents.

  5. Use the

    to add a stakeholder for an account. Each stakeholder needs to update the KYC.

  6. A stakeholder_id is provided in the response as a stakeholder is created. For example, sth_Hbu4sC0O4GOGSK. Use this stakeholder id to complete stakeholder-related KYC details while onboarding a product. Also, use this stakeholder_id to fetch and update a stakeholder.

  7. Before activating the sub-merchant and requesting for relevant product configurations, the sub-merchant needs to view and accept Terms and Conditions. The partner can fetch Terms and Conditions links to show to the sub-merchant using


  8. As requested, the partner will get a link to the relevant Terms and Conditions.

  9. Create a product (for example, payment_gateway) and accept Terms and Conditions for the sub-merchant using the

    . A product is created with default configurations. To update configurations, you can use the (For Payment gateway product, settlement details (bank account) have to be sent in the Update Config API).

  10. As the product is created, the merchant_product_id and the list of pending requirements are provided in the response.

  11. Cater to the pending account requirements using the


  12. As the requested account details criteria is met, an updated account response will be provided.

  13. Using the

    , upload the required sub-merchant's business documents.

  14. Once the required documents are uploaded, the uploaded details of a document (S3 URL) are provided in the response based on the entity, that is, account.

  15. Fill in the stakeholder requirements using the

    . For example, KYC requirements such as PAN is the type of document required to establish the stakeholder's identity.

  16. After the KYC requirements for a stakeholder are met, the response for the stakeholder is updated.

  17. Using the

    , upload the required sub-merchant's stakeholder's signatory documents.

  18. Once the required documents are uploaded, the uploaded document details (S3 URL) are provided in the response based on the entity, that is, stakeholder.

  19. Using the

    , fetch the account product.

  20. The

    changes to under_review when all the requirements are met. At this point, the status for a Payment Gateway product changes to under_review and the webhook event product.payment_gateway.under_review is triggered.

  21. When the

    is changed to needs_clarification, the webhook event product.payment_gateway.needs_clarification is triggered.

    Handy Tips

    Repeat steps 11 to 18 till the account status changes to Terminal state (either activated or rejected).

  22. The webhook event product.payment_gateway.activated is triggered when the Payment Gateway product status is activated.

Watch Out!

Currently, we do not support making concurrent requests to the following Onboarding APIs including their combination on the same account_id:

Please wait for the response of these APIs before making subsequent requests.

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